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Book 1 (TITLE TBA)

I am in the middle of the second draft for Book One. Release date for my first epic fantasy novel is tentatively set for November 2024.


Book 2

I am currently writing the first draft for Book 2. Tentative release scheduled for Spring 2025. 


Book 3

I am nearly finished outlining Book 3. Tentative release scheduled the end of 2025.



Book 4

Book 4 is in the early idea stage.


Read More with Alex

From the Blog



My last post talked about my thoughts regarding the general worth of ideas. Shifting to something more practical for sifting through your own ideas, this post will deal more with some helpful tips on how to grow your ideas. What does it mean to grow your idea?

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What’s a book or story idea worth? Somewhere between nothing and a whole lot. There are classic examples of stories that have made it big, attributed to the idea being so original and captivating. The first example that comes to mind is Tolkien’s works.

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Why do I write? To lay it out as simply as I can, I love writing because I enjoy sharing the epic fantasy stories, characters, and worlds that I’ve created. For me, it’s not enough to think of interesting characters, exciting plots twists, and fantastic settings.

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“By placing my physical, mental, and spiritual health and my family as a priority, writing automatically made its way as its own priority because everything else was now in line”

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